Posts by Tina Bull

Author Blog Post Archive

  1. IRS Updates Electronic Filing Requirements (Benefit Minute)

    Earlier this year, the IRS issued final regulations that change the filing requirements for several common employer information returns, including Form W-2, the Form 1099 series, and the Form 1094 and 1095 series. The final rule significantly lowers the threshold for mandatory electronic filing, which will require many filers who currently submit certain tax forms […]

  2. Agencies Propose New Rule for Fixed Indemnity Insurance (Benefit Minute)

    Overview Hospital indemnity or other fixed indemnity insurance provides fixed, cash payments upon the occurrence of a health-related event. Payments under fixed indemnity insurance must be made as a fixed dollar amount per day or per other time period of hospitalization or illness (for example, $100 per day of hospitalization).  Benefits are paid regardless of […]

  3. Second Quarter Compliance Updates (Benefit Minute)

    HSA Limits for 2024 IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-23 updated the limits for qualified high deductible health plans (QHDHPs) for plan years beginning in 2024 as well as the 2024 calendar year health savings account (HSA) contribution limits, as set forth below:

  4. Interns and the ACA (Benefit Minute)

    As we enter the time of year when employers hire summer interns, questions arise as to whether health coverage should be offered.  This issue of the Benefit Minute reviews Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements that may apply to interns.

  5. Recent Regulatory & Judicial Activity (Benefit Minute)

    This issue provides an update on recent regulatory and judicial activity at both the federal and state level.

  6. First Quarter Compliance Updates for 2023 (Benefit Minute)

    This issue provides a recap of some recent regulatory activity.

  7. It’s Time for ACA and State-Based Individual Mandate Reporting

    As 2023 begins, the deadlines for ACA reporting and reporting to states that are enforcing health insurance individual mandates approach.

  8. Benefit Plan and Payroll Limits for 2023 (Benefit Minute)

    Set forth below are the 2023 and 2022 limitations for qualified plans and other benefit related items:  

  9. Considerations for Employees Approaching Medicare Entitlement (Benefit Minute)

    This Benefit Minute discusses how Medicare Parts A and B entitlement at age 65 impacts active and retiring employees.