Marine Contractors

Tailored protection for your marine exposures

The experts at PSA have extensive experience in serving the marine industry. Our professionals know your business and understand your risk profile.

We work with many of the nation’s most respected and competitive insurance companies that specialize in insurance programs designed for Marine Contractors. We also have access to a special program with an A+ rated carrier that includes pollution coverage, which provides protection for incidents including fuel spills, damage to under water utilities and more.

Who We Insure

  • Contractors—pile driving, boat lifts and more
  • Diving
  • Dredging
  • Boat and Yacht Building and Repair
  • Work Boats, Barges and Pleasure Craft

What We Insure

  • Workers’ Compensation—including USL&H and Jones Act Coverages
  • Comprehensive Marine Liability
  • Warehouseman’s Legal Liability
  • Hull Protection and Indemnity
  • Marine Operators Legal Liability
  • Bumbershoot (Umbrella)
  • Automobile—including Related Trucking
  • Contractors Equipment
  • Errors and Omissions
  • Pollution

Ready to work to a partner who really understands your business?